Credits must go to:
- Janne Veli Kujala: wrote a modified version, based on version 1.0 for Linux, which introduced a lot of new ideas. Many of them, such as direct conversion from sound card, notification of possibly wrong pulses, and the algorithm for detecting pulses from audio streams, are still here
- Ingo Rullhusen: wrote the part which creates C16/Plus4 tapes. The Turbo Tape 64-compatible loader for C16/Plus4 is modified from the one in Andreas Jung's Tape Tools (TTLOAD/TTSAVE). Also, he gave suggestion on how to improve C16/Plus4 support overall
- Per Håkan Sundell: invented the TAP format, and wrote a description of it
- Luigi Di Fraia: a lot of exchange of ideas about the optimal waveform for conversion to tape
- Wolfgang Lorenz: wrote the algorithm for reducing the name of a P00 file to 8 characters, which was cut'n'pasted (with some modifications to make it compile with a C compiler rather than a C++ one) into the source code
- the VICE team: some code for the Windows version of this excellent free GPL'ed Commodore 64 emulator was the source of inspiration for some aspects of the graphical user interface (especially the T64 entry selection)
- Richard Storer, Ben Castricum and Tomaz Kac: documented the Commodore kernel loader: useful for improving the creation of tapes and writing the relevant plug-ins for the conversion from tapes
- Peter Schepers: wrote an excellent document about the format of Commodore 64 emulator files